It is advised to make a check list before you go in search of the best Muay Thai training in Thailand. Some items are cheaper in Thailand. Muay Thai shorts, gloves, training gear is more than likely going to be cheaper. Goods imported to Thailand like your favourite protein powder, amino acids and pre workout have a greater tax on them making them more expensive.
Its advised to bring your own rather than arriving at the gym and trying to find a place that has the products you are used to.

Bring a towel. Do you think that you will look cool sitting on the beach with a bathroom towel from the hotel? Bring some antibacterial soap from home or buy it when you arrive. The tropical weather and nature of training means its very easy to get an infection.
The airport is your first opportunity to get a Sim card you can let your family, friends and facebook friends know that you have landed safely the advertise has started and you are heading to the Muay Thai camp.
A visit to the pharmacy when you arrive is a good place to buy imodium and charcoal tablets in case of a stomach upset, buy limisal in case of some sort of fungal infection (usually starts in your sweaty wet running shoes) Antibacterial ointement is also a must. Little scratches and mosquito bites need attention after you shower to avoid problems starting. Condoms, yes just in case you do get lucky safe sex is recommended.
Mosquitos love imported blood. Its recommended before you head out for dinner to put some on your ankles to keep them away.
Muay Thai training is twice a day and longer than what you are probably used to. Most people are juggling a job or studies while trying to fit in the best Muay Thai training they can.
When you are in your room trying to make it as cold as when you are in the cold of your own country be aware that you need to turn off the aircon when you are out of your room. It may seem like a good idea to leave it on when you are at training but it will not end well. The aircons need gas and when they run out you could be sleeping with a fan hoping an engineer will come tomorrow or after tomorrow (standard in Thailand) to fix your problem.
Also flushing toilet paper is a no no in Thailand. The pipes are narrow and even though it may work the first time it will be smelly and embassing waiting for someone to come to your rescue and unblock your toilet. (tomorrow or after tomorrow standard in Thailand)
Training time..
There is higher work load on your body which you should ease yourself into rather than going too hard in the beginning and getting burnt out, sick or injured.
Training once a day or mixing up the Muay Thai classes with Muay Thai private lessons is a popular choice at Sitsongpeenong Phuket.
The change in climate and time difference from your own country should be considered. Just as you dont want to get burnt red raw on your first visit to Surin Beach or Anthem Wakepark. You also need to adjust to the conditions.
Everyone is keen and excited to train like a Thai Muay Thai fighter when they arrive but training without enough sleep or rest is the first mistake to make that can lead to your immune system being weakened and becoming more likely to get sick.

Thai food everyone is familar with from their own country and they think they they can handle a bit of chilli. Again this is an area you should ease yourself into when you arrive in Thailand. If you go from your homes food to aeroplane food and then to something spicy (you thought you could handle it) there is every chance you will be spending more time in the
bathroom then in the Muay Thai camp you dreamed of visiting.
Smoking, drinking alcohol and lack of sleep with raise your chance of becoming ill. Ease yourself into training in your first week in Thailand. If you plan to explain the night life get into a rountine first so you can come back to the rountine.
Take it slow, ease yourself into your Muay Thai training, take plenty of vitamins and eat fresh tropical fruit and enjoy all of your training holiday.