Victor Conesa (Spain) won by KO with a knee to the head of a fighter from Saengtein Noi gym.

Victor Conesa (Spain) won by KO with a knee to the head of a fighter from Saengtein Noi gym. This fight was live on Thai TV at Super Muay Thai on Xmas day.

Victor Conesa fought at Lumphine Stadium on 23rd January winning by KO with and elbow in the third round against a fighter from Singpatong gym.

10 January Charlie Bubb (Australia) won the Super Muay Thai 4 man live on TV in Bangkok. Charlie stopped his Thai opponent with two nasty cuts from elbows in the second round and later that night stopped his Polish opponent also with and elbow in the second round.

24 January Danny Harrison Little (UK) defeated he Thai opponent from Buakaws gym by Ko in the second round. Danny came back after a tough first round leaning away from the southpaws left kicks and countering with kicks of his own. It was a body punch that did the job in the end.

Charlie Bubb was again fighting on Super Muay Thai on the work point channel in Thailand. Charlie endured a tough fight with a experienced Thai from Kru Dams gym. Again Charlie came through with some big elbows and the fight was stopped again and Charlie taking three victories in Two weeks. Charlie now has 30 fights for 27 wins, impressive for an 18 year old.

Upcoming fights Charlie with fight on Top King Extreme in Bangkok. Victor will fight Saenchai on Infusion that will be broadcast in Europe and Jake Purdy (UK) will also fight on Infusion.

In january welcomed k1 Super star Petr Voderchek to the gym. From the Czech Republic Petr was part of the golden era of heavy weights in the k1 and has fought the likes of Peter Aets and Remy Bonjasky.

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